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  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Recess and Lunch 11/14

    There’s so much to do at recess; tag, basketball, digging, finding bugs, and tending to the pansies. After recess, we get ready for lunch. Today was like cream stew made with soy…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール


    We have books that you can read if there’s free time in class. We recently got a new book, which is actually a very old book that was found fallen apart on…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Rainstick progress

    We added the rocks to our rainsticks, now they make the rain sound!

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Caterpillar Field Trip 11/8

    We’re riding the bus back to La Porte from Gifu Prefectural Museum at Hyakunen Koen! That was so much fun and now everyone is asleep on the bus.

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Family Brass Band Aozora

    Today we listened to a brass band! They played some songs everyone knew, and everyone sang along. There were dances and actions and lots of jokes. They also introduced all the instruments…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Caterpillar Garden

    Today we planted a garden in the playground, with pansies. The hope is to attract some butterflies to lay eggs on the leaves.   Caterpillars made the garden with almost no help…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Japanese Class!

    今日は、生徒たちは日本語の授業を受けました。カタカナの復習をしました。楽しかったし、何人かの生徒は本を終わらせて嬉しいそうでした。 Today, the caterpillars had Japanese class. We reviewed katakana. It was fun and some students were happy to say they had finished the book

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール


    We are making a rain stick as an art project. We hammered nails into a hard cardboard tube, then we collected pebbles to fill the tube. When you turn the tube up…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Show and Tell and P.E. again

    Another week of show and tell. The highlight of this week was a squishy baby toy. In show and tell, we are trying to ask questions nicely. “Why did you bring that?”…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール


    We painted a desert landscape painting today! It was messy but fun. The best part was mixing the paint. While we painted we all talked about choco-mint ice cream for some reason.