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  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Studying hard!

    We’re just a few weeks into classes, but the ladybugs are learning fast! Here, we’re practicing our ABCs.

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Planting Flowers for Mommy!

    The Ladybugs had a lot of fun with their families over golden week and decided to give their thanks to mama in the form of a present. The pots we painted previously…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Painting for Mama

    The Ladybugs worked hard to paint flower pots for the flowers they’re growing for Mother’s Day. They got a little messy in the process, but they had a lot of fun!

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Welcome to Ladybug B!

    Today was the first day of ladybug class! We all made some new friends. There are many new things for us to learn, but we’ll try our best!

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール


    This week, we had our Easter activity! First, we had a special Easter coloring paper. Then, we all got to make colored eggs! Finally, we had an Easter egg hunt. We hid…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Planting marigolds!

    Today, we planted some marigold seeds in the garden. We all got our own box of dirt, and a tiny little seed to put in it. In a few weeks, they will…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Jigsaw Puzzle

    Today, Mr. William came to the class to assist us in finishing our school art project. Mr. Reid taught a lesson while Mr. William helped students paint one at a time.

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Aqua Toto!

    We had a field trip to Aqua Toto! We got to see so many different fish and water animals. Also, we got to eat a yummy bento! It was so much fun!

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Acorn Field Trip!

    We went on an acorn fieldtrip!

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Drawing pictures!

    If we finish all of our school work for the day, sometimes we get to draw pictures in Ladybug class! It’s a lot of fun!