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  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Another busy week for Butterfly B!

    It’s been another busy week for Butterfly B! There was a lot of studying this week, so unfortunately not a lot of pictures but we did take some at the end of…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Lanterns and Emergency Drills

    We started our first art project this week! We are painting white lanterns different colors for the Tanabata festival next month. It might be the Bumblebees first experience with paint so it…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Fire Drill and Parachute

    We got through a lot this week. We did all of our regular school work and some DoWell P.E. exercises. We also got out and practiced our parachute moves, did some painting,…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    (Not So) Still Life and Tea Ceremony

    Hey everyone, this week we’ve been working hard on art festival things, and we had a tea ceremony! It feels like every week there is something new and interesting going on for…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Yummy Yummy Green Tea

    Along with all the regular we had a special visitor to teach us about traditional tea ceremonies in Japan.

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Working on making towers and listening

    This week we focused on trying to”make a tower” and listening to Mandy. We are practicing “waiting“ and “make a circle” along with trying to not knock down other student’s towers. We are…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Writing, counting, and sharing!

    This week we spent time on activities that helped the students learn to work together. We are practicing “Here you are” and “Thank You” along with trying to be a little better…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Ladybub Field Trip!

    Our first field trip of the year was a lot of fun! The Ladybugs made their way to tower park and we were lucky enough to have beautiful weather for the trip.…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Tea Ceremony

    Recently, we enjoyed a tea ceremony! Everyone took turns eating sweets and making the tea. Then, they drank the tea! Some students said the tea was too strong, but many liked the…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Green tea treat

    A unique week with a special visit on how to properly take part in a tea ceremony. We were also busy in our usual studies.