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  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Easter fun!

    The kids really enjoyed finding all the eggs that were hiding around the classroom. We also made some beautiful painted eggs!

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Science Adventure!

    This week, we are doing a fun science project. We are collecting leaves, sticks, and a bit of dirt from outside and putting it in a shoebox. Then, we have to go…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Second week and Easter celebration

    This week we did a little gardening project, had our first P.E. class and celebrated Easter by dying eggs, decorating masks and an egg hunt. We are still adapting but we are…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Easter and Other Fun.

    This week we did a lot for The Easter party, we planted seeds for a special gift and we started our P.E. routine. It was a big week full of many fun…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール


    Twice a week, the butterfly classes have P.E. class. We have been doing a lot of things, but we have also been doing a lot of running. Running is good for you…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Painting the World.

    Butterfly B had a fun time painting the world in art class today. Some absolutely wonderful pictures were created. Well done everybody!

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール


    This week, we had our Easter activity! First, we had a special Easter coloring paper. Then, we all got to make colored eggs! Finally, we had an Easter egg hunt. We hid…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Planting seeds and first presentation

    We have started to get into the swing of things now. Planted some seeds in the garden and we had our first show and tell.

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール



  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Bumblebee B: Our First Week

    This was our first week at school and even though there were some sad moments, we also met new friends and had fun!