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  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Bumblebee A/B science museum fieldtrip!

    The Bumblebees headed to Gifu’s science museum for our  second field trip of the year! We first watched a science demonstration show. We saw the power of air using a hairdryer to…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    A standard week

    We had a normal week this week, with presentation being very popular as always. We did our usual studies and of course put a lot of practice into the performance festival, as…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    English practice!

    Here, we’re doing our English book. We’ve finished learning the alphabet, and now we’re practicing sounds. We will practice hard!

  • オーストラリア留学 2019


    2019年夏休み ラポルトインターナショナルスクールとサカイイングリッシュスクールで共同開催 「オーストラリア 現地私立校(ジュニア) / 語学学校(高校生)留学ツアー」 プログラム概要&現地レポート 参加者体験談と保護者様から頂いたお礼状はこちらで紹介しています。ぜひご覧ください!

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Critical Thinking

    This week the Bees experimented with worksheets and exercises to learn how to think logically and critically. First we tried our hand at tangrams. We found the matching pieces in order to…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Winter is coming

    It was a colder week, but warmed up with lots of dance practice and poem reading, to prepare for the performance festival.

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Show and Tell

    Show and Tell is still a favorite activity from Butterfly Class. Everyone loves to talk about their toys and are very happy they get to share! They always have many questions for…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール


    This week, we did some special painting for art class. It was sooo messy! But we had a lot of fun.

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Welcome to our new junbi students

    It’s been a month since we started the junbi class.  There were lots of tears at first but they are all starting to have fun.  This month we did some finger paintings…

  • ラポルトインターナショナルスクール

    Mosaic Mountain

    This week we continued with our Butterfly Class combined art project. A large mosaic of Mount Olympus. The children are having fun learning about Ancient Greek mythology. So excited to see the…